So much joy

who are the people behind it?

We are a promotion agency and love the many small and of course big joys in life. We love the advertising industry, uncomplicated solutions, campaigns that work precisely for the target group and generate the greatest possible attention, are cost-effective and time-efficient.
The idea was born: why don’t we bring joy to as many people as possible? The name should say it all and make young and old, old and young, and outside of classic forms of advertising want to buy your product. Without much fanfare.


Managing Director

20 years of experience in the communications industry, expert in below-the-line communication. Managing Director of the Marketing Club Austria. Founder of the promotion agency Agency77 and organizer of the Marketing Gala/State Marketing Prize. Just a few of his stops

A big fan of simple, uncomplicated, efficient and fun campaigns!


Project management

In 2021, the 25-year-old successfully completed her studies in journalism and communication sciences and has been actively supporting Freudebringer in project management ever since.


Project management

In addition to her master’s degree in journalism and communication sciences, Jessica has been working in project management at Freudebringer since November 2021.


Business Development Germany

She worked in the FMCG sector for 15 years at a large branded goods company as a team leader in marketing and export. As a contact person for customer projects and the development of new business areas, she will primarily bring in her experience in the optimal positioning of brands.


unser Web Developer Patrick


Head of partner database and web developer

Our wizard in the field of web development. He ensures that our approximately 250,000 partner data and campaigns are well managed and are always supplied with the right products.


Project management

Vera our newest Freudebringer team member has been working in the project management department since March 2024.



Sales miracle

Our sales miracle in the agency with decades of experience in sales and consulting.


Packaging, shipping, storage, gluing, labeling,…

Our great warehouse team of around 20 people supports us in packing the goods, shipping them, checking whether everything arrives correctly and keeping a strict eye on the stock level.

Without them, the great products wouldn’t get to where they need to go – to the touchpoint