The sampling agency Freudebringer distributes products directly at the workplace

Every job needs a break – when it is rewarded with nice attention, employees feel valued. The sampling agency Freudebringer enchants with sampling from the office to the construction site.

“Our network partners are just as active in the office as they are on the construction site or in public transport,” informs Niko Pabst, managing director of the Freudebringer sampling agency, which has been operating on the Austrian market for almost four years. Freudebringer’s successful concept with the wow effect is as simple as it is special. “Our USP is the personal delivery of product samples by people who are close to the target group,” says Pabst. In the offices, products such as rice snacks, newly created drinks and sweet surprises are personally handed over to employees by colleagues, works council members or managing directors and bosses. For example, Uncle Ben’s express rice with quinoa was distributed to 500 companies. Andrea Pichler, Brand Manager Food MARS Austria, sees her Freudebringer product ideally placed, “at the lunch table, where everyone wants to quickly prepare wholesome, good food “. A variety of products are distributed in the workplace.

Special products distributed personally

This is no different on the construction site in the agency, at the crane manufacturer or in the taxi business. By handing over attention from people you have known well for years, new products and innovative samples are immediately and willingly trusted. “Our experience is that everyone really benefits – the company that wants to test a new product, the partner that brings joy to its employees and customers and finally the recipient,” adds Pabst. Some employees post their joy about the products on Facebook. Postings from satisfied customers with the lunch snack, new drinks and goodies distributed have a multiplier effect. Social media and collaboration with influencers are another part of Freudebringer’s constantly new communication strategies.

Up to 200,000 samples can be distributed to 700 workstations

Freudebringer also enables its customers to choose from a wide range of distribution – whether in the hip advertising scene, in retail, in large companies or in the craft sector. In this area alone, Freudebringer has a network of 700 companies where up to 200,000 products can be distributed. It is not without reason that the sampling service provider exceeded the 5 million mark of distributed product samples last year. Pabst, who is also managing director of the Marketing Club Austria, sees growing interest in product distribution at the touchpoint. He is thrilled that, in addition to the well-stocked joy-bringing range with products from home care, beauty and health, there is also an increasing number of products from food & Beverages count. A special highlight since 2019 has been the cooperation with a Hamburg agency. This means that Freudebringer is entering the German market, a space with a lot of potential. “We want to give joy there too, to exactly the right target person and with a wide range of sample variations. “That makes us and our customers want more,” Niko Pabst is convinced.


About the Freudebringer advertising agency

Freudebringer ( is a sampling service provider or a promotion agency, who enters into collaborations with network partners and distributes product samples to selected target groups in a targeted manner and without wastage. The network partners include doctors, hairdressing studios, fitness centers, hotels, fashion retailers, yoga studios, tobacconists and many other contacts. What is unique about Freudebringer is that the samples are handed over personally – the doctor gives the new magnesium product to her patient, the hairdresser gives away a shampoo and the boss distributes rice dishes to her employees during their lunch break. Credibility is created through trust. Freudebringer has defined 25 target and interest groups for sampling campaigns; these are individually designed and refined for each product. Customers include Henkel, Guhl, Nestlé, Uncle Ben’s, Gasteiner or Almdudler and many more.

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