Freudebringer presents three new, interesting distribution channels and reaches people who are active in sports. Sampling via tennis clubs and rental courts, the dance industry and the Vienna-Rundumadum ultra run offer exciting opportunities for product distribution.
Up to 25,000 products can be sampled in over 100 tennis clubs and rental courts in Vienna and Lower Austria. It is also possible to place the product in a voucher booklet, which is available in tennis clubs and is included in a special courier edition.
Around 500 athletes will take part in this year’s ultra-run “Wien-Rundumadum” on October 31st and November 1st. You will receive a starter bag, well filled with various surprises. Products such as shower gels, sports ointments, bandages, sports drinks, protein bars, magnesium supplements and much more are ideal for this goodie bag, which is provided by Freudebringer as a free goodie.
Freudebringer also offers the opportunity to distribute products free of charge through the dance industry and thus primarily appeal to people interested in dance. The young, dynamic dance company presents its passion in shows and numerous international TV appearances. The association, with around 250 members and two locations in Carinthia, offers over 10 different courses and thus reaches a large group of people interested in dance.
Successful sampling via our “sporty” partner networks
The sampling agency Freudebringer distributes up to 600,000 product samples per month at 860 touchpoints. Last month, raucosan cooling bandages were distributed, for example, in gyms, sports ordinations and sports facilities. The personal handover with joy and passion helps to present the respective product credibly.
About the Freudebringer advertising agency
Freudebringer ( is a sampling service provider or a promotion agency, who enters into collaborations with network partners and distributes product samples to selected target groups in a targeted manner and without wastage. The network partners include doctors, hairdressing studios, fitness centers, hotels, fashion retailers, yoga studios, tobacconists and many other contacts.
What is unique about Freudebringer is that the samples are handed over personally – the doctor gives the new magnesium product to her patient, the hairdresser gives away a shampoo and the boss distributes rice dishes to her employees during their lunch break. Credibility is created through trust.
Freudebringer has defined 25 target and interest groups for sampling campaigns; these are individually designed and refined for each product. Customers include Henkel, Guhl, Nestlé, Uncle Ben’s, Gasteiner or Almdudler and many more.
If you want to know more about touchpoint sampling, then contact us Contact.