The heavily sought after target group of students can look forward to another advertising medium. From the end of May, a special medium will be making its way from Germany to Austria to make the world of students a little more pleasant – the Unicum lucky bag, a goody bag filled with a variety of free product samples.
If you focus on the target group of students and want to provide them with advertising messages, there are a variety of options. If you have a lot of budget, you can brand university cafés, decorate lecture halls with the company name, display screens, have posters displayed, place advertising in student dormitories, set up advertising stands at universities and much more.
There is only a short window of time to win over students
If you want to know what opportunities there are at universities to get in touch with students, you have to ask around, especially at banks. Banks have recognized that this represents an important window of opportunity for them to acquire financially strong customers in the future. If you don’t advertise to the target group now, they will have a very difficult time in the future. In addition to banks, you can also find other companies that are practically omnipresent. Partly to pick them up in the current phase of their lives or to carry out proactive acquisition.
The Unicum Miracle Bag reaches students with products at favorable conditions
With an average budget of around €1,100 per month, the 380,000 students are not an uninteresting target group. It becomes even more interesting when you can reach the target group very cheaply. The Unicum surprise bag is now an excellent medium for companies to touch, taste, look at and smell their product. If the product does not impress in this test, no other channel will probably be able to.
In Germany since Successful for 15 years.
In addition, the 30,000 goody bags (15,000 bags for female students and 15,000 for male students) that are distributed to students are accompanied by an article in the Unimag magazine (circulation 70,000 pieces). The bags will be distributed for the first time at the end of May/beginning of June 2017 as part of a large happening. Distribution with a larger circulation will continue in the fall.
Bookings are now possible via Freudebringer – office@freudebringer.