Tag Archives: Werbung
Ein freudebringendes Jahr hat begonnen. Freudebringer startet nicht nur mit guten Vorsätzen – sondern bereits mit spannenden Projekten in 2021. Mit der Verteilung von Teeproben über den Buchhandel werden kalte Winterabende zusätzlich zu spannenden Büchern auch mit einer guten Tasse Tee versüßt. Kindersnacks werden zur Stärkung an Eislaufbahnen verteilt und leckere Fertiggerichte für die Mittagspause im Büro oder auch
The Freudebringer promotion agency has the largest network in the fashion retail sector in Austria. With more than 400 partners, up to 200,000 product samples are distributed monthly. Samples reach the target group in a stylish setting and in a very personal way. Shopping is one of the most popular leisure activities for Austrians. Whether
Austria is becoming the number one holiday destination for the local population this year. This is exactly why the Freudebringer agency is strengthening its partner network in tourism. More than 300 hotels and campsites distribute up to 100,000 product samples and samples. Finally. Many people are looking forward to being able to start their vacation
From small retailers to large sports retail chains Intersport, Hervis or Decathlon – the advertising agency Freudebringer is sports-oriented and distributes popular and varied product samples to an active target group. h4> “We go directly to the desired environment and the samples distributed are perfectly selected for the target group addressed,” explains Niko Pabst, Managing
As a sampling agency, Freudebringer cooperates with a wide variety of more than 20,000 partners across Austria to bring product samples and innovative innovations to the selected target group. There is a strong cooperation with 5,000 doctors, because proximity to people creates trust. “It’s a nice way to make people happy and to supercharge product
As a sampling agency, Freudebringer cooperates with a wide variety of partners across Austria to bring product samples and innovative innovations to the selected target group. There are around 20,000 in total. Freudebringer offers a popular network with its around 500 hairdressers and barbershops, in which distribution is carried out personally and directly from the
Sales planning in retail is currently more difficult than before. Some perishable goods were produced in too large quantities or for events that are now not taking place. The surplus goods and some products with inappropriate labels and designs can no longer be sold and would have to be disposed of. This is exactly where
The Freudebringer sampling agency continues to offer customers the opportunity to distribute products and samples. So we continue to enjoy nice attention in everyday life. “We do our best even in challenging times,” says Niko Pabst, managing director and founder of the Freudebringer sampling agency. The agency, which distributes products and product samples to selected
The Freudebringer sampling agency has successfully established itself on the market. The collaboration with more than 40 strong brand companies, 80 campaigns and 5 million products distributed by cooperation partners brings great joy to founder Niko Pabst, his team and many recipients. “It seems as if the market was waiting for us,” says Niko Pabst,
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