Nach einem Jahr voller Herausforderungen hat Freuderbringer letztendlich doch etwas zu feiern – das Erfolgskonzept Produktsampling hat sich bereits über 4 Jahre bewährt. Gerade jetzt, nach so einem intensiven Jahr, sollte der Anlass genutzt werden, um Errungenschaften zu feiern und Erfolge in den Vordergrund zu stellen. Seit der Gründung der Samplingagentur im Februar 2017 wurden für
Category Archives: Freudebringer Blog
Ein freudebringendes Jahr hat begonnen. Freudebringer startet nicht nur mit guten Vorsätzen – sondern bereits mit spannenden Projekten in 2021. Mit der Verteilung von Teeproben über den Buchhandel werden kalte Winterabende zusätzlich zu spannenden Büchern auch mit einer guten Tasse Tee versüßt. Kindersnacks werden zur Stärkung an Eislaufbahnen verteilt und leckere Fertiggerichte für die Mittagspause im Büro oder auch
Freudebringer presents three new, interesting distribution channels and reaches people who are active in sports. Sampling via tennis clubs and rental courts, the dance industry and the Vienna-Rundumadum ultra run offer exciting opportunities for product distribution. Up to 25,000 products can be sampled in over 100 tennis clubs and rental courts in Vienna and Lower
The sampling agency Freudebringer inspires new customers with products that are distributed in the beauty scene. Up to 200,000 selected samples are distributed in more than 400 day spas, beauty salons, fitness centers, make-up and tanning salons. The wow effect of selected samples at the touchpoint for beauty and wellness particularly often reaches women with
The sampling agency Freudebringer cooperates with more than 150 yoga studios and thus targets a body-conscious target group that values sustainability. “Yoga is a clear trend. By cooperating with many very different yoga studios, we are reaching out to a target group that is difficult to reach with other forms of advertising,” says promotion agency
Every job needs a break – when it is rewarded with nice attention, employees feel valued. The sampling agency Freudebringer enchants with sampling from the office to the construction site. “Our network partners are just as active in the office as they are on the construction site or in public transport,” informs Niko Pabst, managing
With more than 200 sports facilities and network partners in the sports retail sector, up to 50,000 product samples reach a sports-loving target group in person. “We cooperate with the largest network of sports facilities and sports clubs in Austria,” says agency boss Niko Pabst. Whether in the tennis club, in the yoga studio, on
The Freudebringer promotion agency has the largest network in the fashion retail sector in Austria. With more than 400 partners, up to 200,000 product samples are distributed monthly. Samples reach the target group in a stylish setting and in a very personal way. Shopping is one of the most popular leisure activities for Austrians. Whether
Austria is becoming the number one holiday destination for the local population this year. This is exactly why the Freudebringer agency is strengthening its partner network in tourism. More than 300 hotels and campsites distribute up to 100,000 product samples and samples. Finally. Many people are looking forward to being able to start their vacation
From small retailers to large sports retail chains Intersport, Hervis or Decathlon – the advertising agency Freudebringer is sports-oriented and distributes popular and varied product samples to an active target group. h4> “We go directly to the desired environment and the samples distributed are perfectly selected for the target group addressed,” explains Niko Pabst, Managing