Category Archives: Freudebringer Blog

Current study: High popularity of touchpoint sampling as an advertising form

The sampling agency Freudebringer publishes the first study on the subject of touchpoint sampling. 101 network partners were surveyed and the results show highly satisfied partners and customers. “We create real moments of joy,” says Freudebringer managing director Niko Pabst. This is now also shown by a study by Freudbringer, which was carried out among

The first million for the Freudebringer sampling agency

You celebrate the sampling and Promotionagentur bringers of joy from Niko Pabst and Markus Rauer first year on the market with one million products distributed. The promotion agency is setting new trends with a portfolio expansion, online influencing, a German partner, sustainability focus and the joy-bringing goodie bag. “Together with our network partners, we create

The Freudebringer promotion agency relies on offline influencers

Influencers in the online world have a strong sales-promoting effect, the reason being a high level of credibility. The Freudebringer promotion agency relies on offline influencers in the below-the-line area and uses the high credibility values of the brand ambassadors. The phenomenon of influencers is actually nothing new. A person with high credibility recommends a

Sampling agency Freudebringer invited people to the data protection workshop

The new General Data Protection Regulation, which comes into force on May 25, 2018, primarily affects the communications industry. This also includes the sampling agency Freudebringer, which also works with customer data itself. Not entirely selflessly, we therefore invited people to a data protection workshop at the agency. 60 guests accepted the invitation to the

Reinforcement on board the Freudebringer sampling agency

The sampling agency Freudebringer continues to expand and strengthen itself in the new business development area. We are pleased that Sarah Fabi has been strengthening New Business Development at the Freudebringer sampling agency since mid-January 2018. The 24-year-old native of Germany worked for MAC Cosmetics in Germany and Austria for several years and supports the

Advertising agency “Joy Bringer” has been founded!

Thanks to the collaboration with many different network partners – such as car repair shops, fitness studios, mail order companies and much more. – Companies can now distribute product samples cost-efficiently, in an eye-catching manner and, above all, specifically to the desired target group. The “Freudebringer” agency, founded at the beginning of the year, connects

Sampling is popular and works!

85% find samples or product samples, i.e. product sampling, interesting. A high level of approval which, according to a Marketagent study, is not surprising. Although people reflect on beautiful pictures, when it comes to purchasing decisions, points such as price/performance or the opportunity to try out a product beforehand are crucial. People want to experience
